Sunday, November 11, 2007

Committing Piscine Genocide

I know, I know, I'm unstoppable. But you know how it is when you have an uneventful Sunday night of doing very little in a warm place, wrapped up snug and womblike in front of a movie until you think, I'll just chip off to bed with Catch bastard 22, the book which never ends, and in doing so you take off your clothes and hang them on a clothes rail which lurches unexpectedly and fatally to the left, tilting over in horrific slow motion and smashing into your goldfish bowl which splinters open like a cracked nut with a terrific smash, spilling out a cascade of water and the audible fleshy thump of two piscine bodies hitting the floor where they flop about for a bit and then lie still while all around them is water, water everywhere and you, frozen barefoot in just your underwear can't move for the broken glass and can only watch them flail while water spreads out towards you like slow moving lava in a dark shadow and by the time, five minutes later you get round to picking them up by their tails and the bloody things are still alive and squirm in your hand so you squeal like a girl and shove them in a bucket of water while for the next three quarters of a cocking hour you are on your hands and knees for all the wrong reasons mopping up stale water and then you think to yourself 'Bollocks to this it's half past twelve, I'm going to get a beer.'

You know those kinds of nights ?

I fucking do.


Anonymous said...

did you know piscine is french for swimming pool. mental link formed...

Well, I would say this - I've been working here for 18 years, and in 1975 no one died.
In 1976, no one died.
In 1977, no one died.
In 1978, no one died.
In 1979, no-one died.
In 1980... someone died.
In 1981, no one died.
In 1982 there was the incident with the pigeon.
In 1983, no one died.
In 1984, no one died. In 1985, no one died.
In 1986... I mean, I could go on.

kaiki said...

nice mental linkage, keith.

unfortunately i have killed far, far more goldfish than these two - it's becoming something of a jinx.

i thought they were meant to be easy to look after ? god forbid i should ever have kids.

Anonymous said...

If you gave birth to a goldfish you'd be a seriously bad mother. Social services would be all over you like an octopus

kaiki said...

yes, but the chances of me actually giving birth to a goldfish are slim to none. i wouldn't have sex with a goldfish for a start, and i don't remotely fancy them with their googly eyes and scaly skin and fins.

but those gills though ? mmmmmmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

well. I have nothing to say to that. That was so true it is not funny.
how about a goldfish joke from the web?

Two goldfish were in their tank.
One turns to the other and says,
"You man the guns, I'll drive."

RUBBISH! I'm bored of myself. I'm just not funny today. (or any day... yeah yeah , blah blah)