Ferris has obviously never spent a week in my company when I'm off the sauce, when time slows to a lame crawl and the only thing you're likely to miss if you don't stop to look around is my cells dying. A craving, like gossip, is hard to ignore, particularly if you regard the twin evils of smoking and drinking as I do, which is like fond old pals instead of for what they are. One, a hysterical displacement activity and insidious poison, the other an emotion sating, speech slurring social activity.
When I tried to give up smoking back in June it was as though someone had told me I could no longer breathe. I'd sit huddled in pubs with my friends, insanely jealous as they wafted smoke about the place and made roll-ups with nimble dextrous fingers, occasionally glancing at me and saying with sincerity,
"I'm really proud of you, Daisy, you're doing really well."
Well fuck well and fuck you. Fuck all of you, you giddy, laughing, smoking bitches. Those were my actual thoughts, and the beer didn't help because aside from narrowing my already shrinking willpower to that of a gnat, one without the other just didn't seem right.
I fell off that wagon so spectacularly you could have called it a stunt dive. One of those with men carrying panes of glass across a suspiciously empty street, stacks of boxes piled up in alleyways, cranes carrying dynamite toppling over onto firework factories, that kind of thing. So I'm determined not to do that this time. It's only day three, and I'm already discovering that eerie clarity of thought in which objects, perspective and people take on vivid new dimensions which - in my blurred and booze fugged mind - I'd previously never noticed. I don't look as though I've had my hair styled by Ken Dodd as I walk into work. I've found out that I do understand Catch-22, it's just a huge tome, and will be quite laborious. I've fed my goldfish every day instead of just when I remembered, and now they are no longer trying to propel themselves over the rim of their bowl. I discovered I still have a child-like enthusiasm for many things, instead of the dried-up cynical approach I'm familiar with.
I don't advocate abstinence - I don't advocate anything, I'd be a fool to try, especially since the last time -
"What's that noise ?"
"It's bloody Daisy advocating the merits of Paul McCartney. Let's get out of here."
- but I have to say, from my sanctimonious, smug little cocoon of sobriety I'm feeling pretty good. Especially when all those around me are suffering with hangovers. Drink up, losers.
Next week : I'll be back at Threshers, doing the weekly shop.
I never used to have any beer in my fridge. Then I stopped smoking the green green grass of tralee. And then 4 packs of 1664, a good year for beer, and who know what else? shagging drunk French people probably. And wine. And tequila, lots of tequila. and a strangely luminous bottle of Absinthe. And instead of smoking 10 fags a day, I smoke 20. And have a chest infection (Las Plagas). Now I am considering stopping smoking nicotifags.
My point is...
How much will I drink if I stop this?
I am proud of you Daisy. And jealous. Fuck you and your sanctimonium. (wasn't that a playstation 1 game?)
that lunchbox is the absolute aces, i want. now.
why drunk french people ?
or were you drunk to shag them ?
oh-la-la either way, and i may even throw in a tres bien.
you will NOT drink if you stop smoking. you can't, it's hell, absolute hell i tell you...lose all your vices and become a saint, it's the only way.
(the playstation game you are thinking of was 'fuck you and shit, the gangsta years' with commentary by Ice_T)
are my cells dying.
It's not a question.
something wild -
you have been to a website called holy house of rock. com ?
you rule.
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