I've tried to see this film three times now at have been thwarted at each attempt like a lazy bluebottle. The first time I couldn't go because I was ill, the second time was because Lenny, who had so kindly offered to come with me when no-one else would, got drunk and forget to book the tickets. Then he dropped an even bigger bombshell.
"Actually Daisy, I've been meaning to tell you this." Lenny looked uncomfortable, his eyes dancing away from mine. "It's just that, well , I -uh - I watched Transformers at the weekend."
"WHAT ? Without me ? You bastard!"
"I'm sorry Daisy. It just happened, and I thought of you the whole time. I'll come with you to see it though, it was so fucking great I'd happily sit through it again."
He began explaining a scene to me in vivid detail until I said,
"Alright, alright, we'll go on Thursday."
So last Thursday Sweetman and I (and briefly my parents, who were visiting for a couple of days) were sat in the pub, itchy with excitement. We got a couple of pints, I was doing my Transformers impressions, my parents were asking what the film was - "So it's a bit like that car advert then, when the car transforms into a robot ?" - when my phone rang. It was Lenny, who'd gone ahead to get the tickets.
"Cinema's shut."
"Fuck's sake. How long for ?"
"Just tonight. I'm outside the pub anyways, so I'll come in."
In he came, and sat down beside me.
"Fucking cinema cunts," he was ranting, "titwanks -"
"Have you met my mum ?" I said stridently, pointing across the table. Lenny had the decency to look embarrassed and mutter something about being Irish and therefore entitled to have language which would make a docker blush. In the end we had a few pints and I did my Transformers impression to no acclaim.
The next day I got to work to an email from my friend Alex, telling me all about the film and skirting into the plot and certain memorable lines.
It's okay, I think, he hasn't really given anything away, and the plot isn't the reason I'm going anyway.
Then Sweetman calls me at work. He is hungover which makes two of us.
"Where are you ?" I ask, grateful that he's called. His voice is a soothing balm on the ache of my head.
"Seafront. Well, nearly."
I'm suddenly suspicious. "Why ?" I hate the seafront. "What possible reason does anyone go to that beach ?"
Sweetman, very quietly, "I'm going to see Transformers."
I nearly thrown the phone out of the window. I wanted to howl "It's not faiiiirrrrrr" into the receiver. I managed a "okay then." Sweetman reassured me he'd meet me after work for a Friday drink, and even persuaded me to do a quick decepticon down the phone. Later in the bar garden he was telling me about the film, all the best bits rambling out of his mouth in a neon blur until a slammed my pint down and said,
"Alright stop. I haven't even bloody seen it yet and I already feel like I know most of it."
"I'd defiantly go again," Sweetman says, eyes aglow like an eighties child, "It's fantastic."
On Saturday I'm gaying it up at pride when my phone rings. It's Philip, so I call him back.
"Hey, it's me." he says, unneccesarily, "Look, I've just called to tell you that a mate's just come down and ummmm, well we're going to watch Transformers in a bit." I have to steady myself against a wall. Philip has broken three ribs recently so to call him the name I was thinking of calling him seems a bit harsh. I swallow it back, but it's an effort.
"I'm really sorry, Daisy. I know how much you wanted to see it." it sounds like he's grinning. I tell him I hope he enjoys it and think I manage some conviction.
Later, I'm back at the house with a beer when he sends a text.
"They've just captured bumblebee!"
Then another;
"Oh my god! He put the cube in megatron's chest instead!"
Jesus Christ. Charlie Brooker once said that the biggest movie spoiler of all time was the DVD cover to Planet of the Apes with the statue of liberty's head sticking out the sand.
He should meet some of my mates.
Update: Cinema at eight thirty Wednesday. Nothing but the second coming will stop me.
"I'd defiantly go again," Sweetman says
Defiant to the last, your mate sweetman. (Is he candyman's little brother?)
sweetman does not take trips to the cinema lightly.
he is a defiant bastard
*curses spellcheck, curse your eagle eyes*
no. the candyman is an enormous black child killer.
sweetman is pasty white nurse.
hey, you could argue that creative writing involves creative spelling.
I am like the 3rd year English teacher from hell.
well, maybe not from hell, Hull more likely. now write in no more than 100 words a summary of the film transformers from the information provided by everyone else.
you said 'egg', like a bird's egg.
i could probably give you a sketchy plot synopsis, tell you how fit all the lady scientists were, and that there is a line
"gentlemen, i want to introduce you to my friend optimus prime"
happy now ?
but the best quote is definitely... "Criminals are hot!".
one of the best in history.
"Watch your beard grow and rise"
Absolutely stunning.
oh don't you bloody join in 'alanymous'.
what next ? does anyone want to wreck the ending of harry potter for me ?
now i'm mad.
just received this in an email from lenny.
"just to add insult to injury.......I went to see transformers with me good ol pals Marry and Damo, its fuckin cool on the big screen!!"
having said that he also added this;
"anyway I want more stories about be me being amazing"
...and he wonders why i call him mister ego.
Why didn't you ask me to go fuckface? I'm more entitled to see it than you anyway. I'm an 80's child good & propper...you're an old fart.
hello teena.
i'm not going tonight now anyway (DO NOT ask) so next week ?
would your young, child-of-the-eighties self like to come with me ?
don't forget some i.d, i think it's a 15 certificate.
Please, your newest photo makes your look like a (pygmy) caged rhino.
what ?
really ? but you hated the last one too !
i thought it was hotstuff, like a fine piece of cornish fluff.
forget that pint, you can shove it wide ended up your arse.
actually, no seriously, do you want a pint ?
fine, fine photo of yourself, mind.
is that actually you ?
it makes you look like a fucking cunt.*
so, how about that pint ?
*actually quite handsome, though.
Yo Bint, you & I are going to see transformers next Wednesday. I'm going to book the tickets so you have to come. Or at least pretend to. Do you fancy a pint after work? See you outside at 5:01?
& d'mind pretending you didn't get this either. I know you spend all day checking if you have any comments.
transformers, robots in disguise (or in the skies as I thought it was for about 10years)
i'm all over it like hot rocks teena reena - wednesday, i'll check the times, we'll have some pints, i'll make the rollies.
and incidentally, the only reason i came across your comment was because i happened to be passing my own blog, and WAS NOT checking for new comments.
honestly.i was just in the area.
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