I’m terrified of lone magpies the way some people are of diseases and letters from the council. Lone magpies are an omen of sorrow, or in the case of Saturday night, indecent exposure and surrealism on a massive scale.
My favourite pub in the world is in north London - I found myself outside there with Alex on Saturday afternoon. I was going out later that evening so I was wearing the funsuit (shorts on the bottom, halter-neck on the top, bit like a waistcoat. business at the top, party at the bottom, I’m sorry.)
Alex was at the bar. A magpie swooped into view and strutted about briefly in that peculiar way they have, occasionally glaring at me with it's onyx eyes. "Good afternoon mister magpie," I intoned. It stared back so hard it was like being crushed by black ball bearings.
Oh dear, I thought, that's a bad omen.
The problem with funsuits is getting them off, and if the funsuit magic is working properly you will have someone willing to do that for you in no time. However, this was not one of those times. so as I struggled back into mine in the toilet I heard a tiny sound.
There was a button on the floor.
Shit, I thought, picking it up. shit. Oh, it's alright, it's a concealed button at the waist. No-one will notice. I’ll just do these top two up, and...
I look down with mounting horror. On the floor are the top two buttons, gazing balefully up at me looking for the all the world like the eyes of a magpie. I groan. Looking down at myself I notice two things, and they should really not be so noticeable.
Clutching the top together I scurry through the pub and outside. (smoking.) Alex is looking at me.
"What ?" he says. I show him the clutch of buttons in my palm.
"So ?"
"Alex," I whisper, "you can see my bra." (it is a good bra though, but still.)
"No I can't."
I show him the affected area.
"Jesus." he says, averting his eyes. "Jesus Daisy, I did not ask to see that."
"What am I going to do ?" I have a scarf with me, so I put it on. It is very narrow and hangs limply down. Alex shakes his head.
"If anything that's worse. It looks like a fucking arrow. You'll just have to keep your coat on."
Good idea I think, as I make my way to Camden. I’ll just keep it done up all night.
At the venue I am greeted by Dan and The Drummer Whose Name I Do Not Remember in the garden. Dan gives me a hug.
"You look hot."
"Thank you," I say, giving him a little twirl.
"No, you look hot. You're sweating. Take off your coat."
"I can't. I’ve had a wardrobe malfunction."
"It's alright, how bad can it be ?"
I show them. The Drummer Whose Name I Do Not Remember takes a step back.
"Yeah, keep the jacket on."
At this point I want to say that Anne performed as ever, superlatively, despite being pregnant and claiming to feel tired. She looked and sounded glorious and rocked the place out. Anne, you were awesomer (you see Philip ? I do listen to you) And aces. I threw some shapes to Apple Pie despite being perilously close to overheating and smiled smugly at everyone because Anne and I have known each other a long, long time.
At the end of the night I thought I’d catch the last train back to Brighton for a drink with Odge, so I made my excuses and left.
It was eleven o'clock as I reached the bus stop to take me to King's Cross. One hour and fifteen minutes later I am still sat there, surrounded by drunk students and the entire cast of Blazing Squad, also drunk.
Just as I’m gritting my teeth to nothing more then a fine white powder the bus pulls up. I get on. Blazing Squad do the same. The bus driver starts shouting about travelcards. They start shouting back. There is much to-ing and fro-ing of disses and accusations and the bus driver hits the switch. At this point the engine dies and the entire vehicle turns into a strobe factory, complete with klaxon. By now my head is in my hands.
Grudgingly, after a full ten minutes more of protests, Blazing Squad dis-embark, muttering darkly about popping caps in asses and generally sounding like the stroppy teenagers they are. And that's fine, but not on my time.
By the time I reach King's Cross I have missed the last train and have to travel to East Croydon, a journey which is slightly marred by the man opposite, gurning and licking his own eyeballs. I try to tell him when we are at East Croydon as it is the last stop. He reaches out to hug me into his sweaty chest. I scarper, and I’ve never even known what scarpering was before now.
Finally, the train to Brighton shrugs into East Croydon at twenty five past one in the morning. Odge is guiding me home through the magic of text messages, despite the fact I’m a full two hours late, and if it hadn't been for him and his amazing words ('anyone in Camden gives you grief, kick 'em in the Vice magazines') there would have been actual tears.
On the train I sit opposite a man so old and tissue skinned I kept checking the rise and fall of his shoulders to make sure he was still alive. He gave me a bit of a scare at Purley when he caught his breath but luckily he made the full journey without the intervention of the grim reaper. Opposite me to the left was Reggie Kray, at least as he looked in his fifties, all slicked back hair and clunky jewellery. Kray meets Saville meets, as it turned out, Rain Man. He kept muttering and cracking his knuckles and clutching his head. perhaps he was thinking about Barbara Windsor, I know I was.
An hour until Brighton some Welsh dimwad gets out his phone and proceeds to play tinny versions of the Star Wars theme, whooping joyously along with the Darth Vadar march and occasionally increasing the volume in case they couldn't hear it in the next fucking carriage. The resulting buzzing, unlistenable, unrecognisable mess was so far from the original film score I found myself looking hopefully at Reggie Kray, wordlessly pleading with him to go and do the gentleman's thing of smacking the Welsh bloke in the head.
Alas, Reggie was preoccupied with clutching his head and muttering. Too bad, Reggie.
I fall off the train and practically commando roll into a cab which takes me to Odge's. Poor the Odge. He has been waiting up for me for four hours with Man Flu and cheap beer. When he opens the door I am so slump shouldered, utterly dejected and quiet that he gives me a hug, plonks a can in my lap, puts on the first series of the Mighty Boosh and gets me a t-shirt to hide my modesty.
I sleep on his sofa, warm and safe and happy at last. On the way home in the morning I see two magpies, pecking around in some scrubland. two.
...and do you know what ? Sunday turned out to be an aces day. Bloody birds.
hey honey pie, i love yam dum huns.can your iddle the fiffle while on the middle in hilly villleyes you can fiddle the middle while lieing in silly hill
did you know that Poirot used to wear a fat suit?
(tenuous link to fun suit there somehow)
tenuous ?
a fatsuit and a funsuit are two entirely different things.
are you alluding to the fact that i looked like poirot ?
I've been to Silly Hill, it's fucking abject, you do not want to, uh, fiddle the middle while lieing there. Well, you wouldn't want to do that anywhere, nor could you as the Penner of such ridicule is obviously the magical Tell of in-grammar.
what is a dum hun while we are on the subject ?
no you didn't look like poirot.
and I have to confess plagiarism. I got that first comment from a spam mail. Why is all spam illiterate?
you may want to re-consider your blog photograph anonymouse before i turn up at your house and give you a facial slot machine.
that spam wasn't just illiterate, it was nonsensical.
I can't believe you're offering out Facial Slot Machines... For the love...
more spam fun: (sorry)
congresswomen divan, capsule binomial bladder, bike decline. bog butadiene cuddly cellular
archae bracelet cremate. berman brewster burnside cowpony clog cossack debater corps
dial cankerworm changeover cacophony. bourgeois applaud autonomy coriander depict astronomy disjunct
who needs a thesaurus with spam mail?
more great spam:
Hello aaahlicks!.!
Absolutely are no expected tests, classes, books, or interviews !
Be given a_Bachelors, Masters., MBA, and Doctorate (PhD) diploma.
Earn the earnings and glorification_that comes with a.diploma !
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faces from us, he thought. But what more could they expect after such men, cursing and begging them to fight and die like Romans. proconsul, enjoying whatever comforts he had been able to wrest from the sun, which could blind you here, where even in May the sunlight ceremonies short or omit them altogether: His grandsire stood by the intent on his master, and the tall Parthian was watching him too as he knew enough to control himself. Don't antagonize anyone, least of all poor, his body twisted by ill-healed wounds. Not the sort of man a
'anonymous' - i am NOT offering out facial slot machines. at least not for free.
For the love of jeff.
aaaaahlicks - stop. it.
Oh dear: 'at least not for free'...
i played facial slot machines with kaiki caitsith. it was one of many games we played that night.
I don't remember parting with any money...
no, you wouldn't.
i nicked your wallet.
why does this site claim that I post comments at 02:30 in the morning, when blatanly I am out and about being a right cockney capitalist street pisser at that time and generally only look at this when I am meant to be working? stupid clock
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