once, when i was seven years old a friend and i stayed up all night playing wonderboy on the sega master system (and that other game with the dwarf and the axe - 'dwarf blade', maybe ? 'golden axe' ? alan, you'll know.) we were waiting to see what the world was like at four o'clock in the morning. it was, we subsequently discovered through bleary eyes, dark and quiet.
another time in my early twenties i met up with my old friend ben dobson, and the conversation meandered lazily towards my ex-boyfriend with whom i had been devastatingly smitten for two years, and his new girlfriend. like a fool, i asked "what's she like ?"
ben lets out a long, low whistle;
"imagine helena christensen, but with long blonde hair and a bit shorter, my god, she is a hot piece of ass, and really funny too."
then, on seeing my horrified face, you could almost hear him back-pedalling;
"oh no, no daisy, i mean - she's not you right ? you have a wonderful personality."
(incidentally, if you're reading this ben, the best time to try and reach me by phone is not three thirty, four, four fifteen, five and six thirty in the morning respectively. what are you, nocturnal ? seriously though, we'll talk soon.)
subsequently this weekend i have discovered many things which i previously did not know, had in fact spent most of my adult life wallowing in the not knowing, perfectly happy.
(1) the pier in brighton is, even if the sun does have his hat on hip hip hip hooray, the World's End. i went in there yesterday wrapped in a thick layer of happiness and walked out under a obsidian cloud of despair. if house of the dead cannot save it, nothing can. in summary, to out and out steal a phrase from a very funny man - Luckless Proles.
(2) i discovered, courtesy of one of my more sexually enlightened friends, what it is like to have a seven man orgy, what to expect on visiting a dingy fetish club and (apologies) what it feels like to fist someone (like the lining on the inside of your mouth, apparently. stick a fist in there, you're close). i staggered away from that conversation.
(3) that if you give up smoking, as i recently have, nothing, nothing, nothing and nothing can replace it, or stop you thinking about it. or needing it.
(4) that simon, another friend with superlative hair, once continuously and silently farted in front of juliette lewis in an airtight booth, until she made her excuses and left.
(5) that working on a film is no fun, combining long hours and severe discomfort, leaving you pale and short tempered and almost tearful, as my flatmate the mitton has proved. i was jealous at first mitton, now all i can do is offer you tea.
screw it, it's the weekend, let's all have a cup of tea.
Did similar in my early twenties with a bebearded friend of mine to see if we could complete Bubble Bobble on the C64 without cheating (only 8 credits - no way!). We knackered the back off it. Give me the yellow and red sweet and the little red shoe and my little green Bub is invincible. We eben managed to open the secret room. Stun box.
We weren't too happy, when, expecting to have to climb backwards through all of the levels again, the bloody thing just ended with a poor, poor, poor, God-awful ending and then back to the title screen.
Abject. Utterly abject.
Unfortunately - did similar with another be-bearded mate with Wizball on the C64. I played The Cat. Sucked the paint up and spat the colour back into all 9 worlds.
Knackered the back off it.
Golden Axe. Get that little dwarven fuck doing his headbutt.
Glory, glory, glory..!
why are all your friends be-bearded ? was it some sort of gandalf fan club you belonged to ?
i remember being monumentally unimpressed by the ending of wonderboy – i think he waved some sort of flag and chipped off on a flying cloud with his girlfriend before the bloody bastard title screen re-appeared.
wonderboy ? blunderboy more like.
That picture just reminded me that when we were in the late-night offy near our house, aka 'our local', aka the shop where everybody knows our name, the other night.
I noticed nestling below the counter, a cardboard dispenser (not unlike that which may usually hold packets of a tasty snack (such as a pork scratching, mmmm, fried hairy pigs nipples), housing several packs of a mysterious new edible thing.
Do you know what it was?
Cockles. Yes, cockles, little packs of weird slimy shrivelled sea bogeys (in vinegar I believe).
I was going to point them out to you but was too busy flirting with the fat middle-aged greek man serving me.
Think I need a sh*g.
Incidentally, following another glamorous day 'on set', I'm currently drinking cheap wine on my own in my room, talking to you on the internet even though we live in the same house, and listening to Radio 2. I took my ID to sainsburys earlier just in case but I think the late nights and early mornings have taken their toll... They probably thought it was for my granddaughter's 18th.
*applaudes entire comment*
‘a cardboard dispenser not unlike that which may usually hold packets of a tasty snack’ – did it have the saucy lady printed onto the card ? the one who looks like she’s only just crawled, blinking in bewilderment, out of the eighties ?
can you imagine that ? can you imagine being the cockle girl ?
that would be great. you could wear a lobster* outfit like the man-chick we saw at the surrealist ball.
then your luck would be really in with the lazy-eyed greek;
“don’t you recognise me ? i’m the cockle girl, it’s the tide that makes them so tasty etc”
i’m sure he’d chuck us a couple of free limes in with the beers…especially if you got your tits out.
hope your day on-set wasn’t too trying, and that there were no hairs in the gate or continuity problems.
i have no idea what i’m talking about.
i’ll see you at 88.
*i am aware that lobsters are crustaceans and cockles are bivalve mollusks, obviously.
Good afternoon, my name is mas notlaw and im calling from tesco home phone, i just calling in regard to the application that you filled out in store recently, i would like to let you know that i have received your application and am currently procssing your order. Would you like chips or boiled potatos with that?
mmmm mmmm mmmm i love dish washing liquid
mas! i've just figured out who you are! - your brain must be the consistency of soft leaves and gravy by now.
tesco home phone ?
you are an absolute legend
(a bit like jimmy page but no -where near as kool)
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