…visiting museums.
yes. not for me the blurred, giddy world of high profile parties and waking up in a sticky pool of something on sunday afternoon with one shoe off and my ears ringing.
no sir.
saturday afternoon i was at the brighton museum, primarily because they had a gypsy fortune telling machine* almost identical to the one in ‘big’ and i’m a sucker for all the hoodoo nonsense. week or so before i was hawking round the v&a like it was going out of style and now i’m genuinely excited because i’m
off to the natural history museum next weekend. perhaps it’s my age, but i prefer to think it’s the exquisite thrill (thrill possibly too strong a word, there) of looking at something of great beauty, or sheer hideosity and coming away feeling like i’ve actually been informed about something.
it’s a way i wish i’d felt more as a kid instead of discovering smoking, cider and french kissing round the back of the cathedral.
*it was out of order
Thanks for the namecheck!
Perhaps you should make this a regular feature... I shall in the future expect to read that you have changed your mind about what colour scheme to wear 3 times before even venturing out of your bedroom and into the kitchen; gone out wearing a full beard and old person's nightgown; and fantasised about doing rude things to Mark E. Smith. I can't wait!
'rude things with mark e smith,' eeeeyow.
i actually thought initially that your were sam with her strange rod stewart obsession - didn't he do a song called 'legs' ?
no, that was zz top.
talking about facial hair i'm thinking we should get some dali moustaches for the surrealist's ball next week, not that i'm stealing your bearded lady limelight.
Ah yes, perhaps you don't remember, but l.e.g.s derives from when I was wondering what my initials would be if i were to marry Mark E. Smith, he could be mes(s) and i could be les(s), or even better, if I combined both of our middle names I could be legs... Think that might have been during one of our mental evenings in the kitchen. Think actually going out next weekend is a really good idea! As is the wearing of Dali Moustaches.
(Oh and I think The Mighty Rod had a song called hot legs?)
ah, l.e.g.s. i do recall, vaguely, a night in the kitchen with cheap wine and almost definantly some cheese making an appearance. certainly talk would have turned to mark e smith after about midnight, just after i’d played that tv on the radio song for the ninth time.
i will miss the roundhill kitchen. i will miss booty dancing by the cooker, and feeding the venus fly trap.
rod stewart once aasked the question ‘do you think i’m sexy ?’
no chance, conk face.
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