sorry, i’m tired.
stretching slightly to readjust my faculties – scattered to the four corners by the dark clouds blowing over the seas today - i’m planning a bracing walk along the seafront after work. although looking out the window now at the rapidly darkening sky, waves tossed about by a bitter atlantic breeze, and the threat of rain close enough to taste, i’m thinking that actually, and in all possibility almost definitely, i will probably end up huddled over a pint, a rollie and a crossword in the pub after work.
3 down; unit of liquid equivilant to 560 ml (4 letters)
1 across; polite request, anagram of 'asleep' (6 letters)
I hope the bloody weather clears up before I arrive. It's really sunny here so I expceted it to be blindingly bright in Brighton! Loved your last story & looking forward to seing more.
mate, you should see it now, it's glorious...but clearly the dellusions in your mind are worse than we first thought. cork is sunny ? xx
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