Tuesday, April 03, 2007

looks like we're in for nasty weather....

metallic clouds over brighton beach today. even the crazy golf looks washed out, garish colours slightly anaemic looking in the dimming light, as though the victim of electric shock therapy. not-quite-crazy golf. sane golf, lobotomised golf, maybe.
sorry, i’m tired.
stretching slightly to readjust my faculties – scattered to the four corners by the dark clouds blowing over the seas today - i’m planning a bracing walk along the seafront after work. although looking out the window now at the rapidly darkening sky, waves tossed about by a bitter atlantic breeze, and the threat of rain close enough to taste, i’m thinking that actually, and in all possibility almost definitely, i will probably end up huddled over a pint, a rollie and a crossword in the pub after work.
3 down; unit of liquid equivilant to 560 ml (4 letters)
1 across; polite request, anagram of 'asleep' (6 letters)


teenareena said...

I hope the bloody weather clears up before I arrive. It's really sunny here so I expceted it to be blindingly bright in Brighton! Loved your last story & looking forward to seing more.


kaiki said...

mate, you should see it now, it's glorious...but clearly the dellusions in your mind are worse than we first thought. cork is sunny ? xx